Monday, June 27, 2011

Green Goddess Hummus

green humus made with greens
What's different about this hummus?  It's not hard to notice that it is green.
 Don't let the healthy, rich in chlorophyll color  deter you from eating it.
It doesn't taste green. It tastes light and delicious.

Hummus is a great snack because it is high in protein and  when its made using tahini ( sesame seed paste) it is also rich in calcium.This hummus is made with parsley, fresh garlic, green scallions, and red onion. In addition, the garlic and red onion provide antioxidants which help build the immune system. Despite all the onions, it still has a mild flavor.

The recipe calls for cooked chick peas. Normally, I would just open a can, but lately I have been reading about how the lining of the cans contain a harmful chemical called BPA.

Read This:
The following quoted paragraph is from an article published in Bloomberg Businessweek :

"TUESDAY, May 18 (HealthDay News) -- Bisphenol A (BPA), a common chemical used in the metal linings of some canned foods, poses a serious health threat to consumers and should be banned, a new report claims. BPA is ubiquitous in plastic products, found in baby bottles and sippy cups, and it has come under scrutiny in recent years, with studies linking it to a host of health and developmental problems. This latest research looked at its presence in the metal linings of canned foods. "

OK, I already knew about watching for BPA in plastics , but after reading that article, I knew I was ready to get rid of the few cans I use too ( mostly for beans and chopped tomatoes)

So, for the first time, I actually cooked my own chickpeas for this recipe. It was really easy and had way less salt ( in fact no salt).

This is how I made the chick peas. I just soaked the dry organic chick peas overnight. ( come on that's easy) Then in the morning, I drained them, put them in the crock pot, ( EASY)  Covered them with water, added a teaspoon of dry ginger ( don't know why) just for flavor and cooked them on low for about 8 hours. Took them out, drained them and they were ready to use to make hummus.

OK, I had to think in advance, but it really was easy, less expensive, and healthier.

Recipe 2 cups chick peas, cooked
1/2 - 3/4 cup parsley
3/4 -1 cup tahini ( depending on how creamy you like it) available in health food stores and supermarkets
1/4 cup red onion, chopped
1/4 cup green scallions, chopped
Juice of two limes ( or lemons)
2 cloves fresh raw garlic, chopped fine
1 tsp. cumin ( or more to taste)
1/2 tsp. coriander ( or more to taste)
salt and pepper to taste
( I also added Trader Joe's 21 Salute which is a saltless spice mixture)

Place all ingredients in food processor or strong blender and process until smooth
This recipe is shared on the following blog carnivals which you can click to see lots of delicious recipes ( not all are gluten free)


  1. great post! and great recipe too.

  2. This looks really good! I may make it this weekend...
    You should think about investing in a pressure cooker if you make a lot of beans - it takes out the having to think ahead part!

    Frugally Green Mom

  3. April,
    That's a great idea about making the beans in the pressure cooker. I think I actually have one that I haven't used in years. I'll have to get it out!

  4. Yummy! I would love it if you would link up to my Tuesday Confessional link party going on now: I hope to see you soon!

  5. Wow, a hummus with all the flavors I love!

    "Don't let the healthy, rich in chlorophyll color, deter you from eating it"

    Don't worry, thats probably why I would eat it in the first place haha :)

  6. This sounds fantastic! I could literally eat hummus every day--I love all the different flavor combinations you can try.

  7. I looooove hummus and this one looks even tastier!

  8. I just love Hummus and often times have it as my snack. I really want to try your recipe, it looks great! Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday. Hope you are having a great week end and come back soon!
    Miz Helen


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