Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Easiest way to cook Spaghetti Squash

I found the easiest way to cook spaghetti squash.
I am now totally into eating spaghetti squash, but it hasn't always been that way.

The first time I made spaghetti squash was twenty years ago, and I absolutely hated it  didn't like it!
It was really hard to cut, it was really messy to clean, I didn't care for the taste because I way overcooked it ( without knowing it ) and it was mushy.

Truthfully, I never ate it again until a few weeks ago.


 I re-considered making it after my daughter- in- law, Wendy, started talking about it.
She said she had been making spaghetti squash as a substitute for real pasta in her quest to lose weight. She said that she really loved it, and a cup of spaghetti squash has only 35 calories and provides fiber ( vitamins & minerals) as well. It can easily be eaten in any recipe in place of any pasta.

Wendy and I like a lot of the same foods, so I thought I would give it one more try.

 I went to the grocery store and bought a small spaghetti squash. I brought it home and was determined to find an easy way to cook it.. After talking to a few friends, I listened to their difficult methods that required that you: 
  • cut length wise in half
  •  scoop out the seeds ( which are really entwined in the squash)
  •  place in a baking dish face down in pan with a some water and bake
  • I said,
 " NO WAY!!! I refuse to cut the squash before cooking because it is hard as a rock and that is not easy! So I kept researching other methods. 

Here is the easiest way to cook spaghetti squash:
  • wash the outside of the squash well and pierce with a fork a few times
  •  place it on a cookie sheet 
  •  bake at 475 degrees for about 35- 40 minutes 
  • When done, you have to take it out immediately and cut half down the middle  (careful steam will escape and it's hot) to release the steam ( so it doesn't keep cooking and become to soft) .
  • There will be some seeds that you need to remove ( but it will be easier now)
  •  Once you remove the seeds, take a fork and begin to pull down the strands from the sides of the squash until you have a large bowl of what looks like yellow spaghetti.

I buy a small squash because it has less seeds.

Truthfully,when I made it this time,  it was love at first bite.

This interesting unusual vegetable  automatically created itself into hundreds of spaghetti like strands and  was absolutely delicious . With a little stretch of the imagination , it is a great substitute for  regular spaghetti. And of course is low calorie, healthy, and gluten free.

The secret is to eat it as you would spaghetti with a great marinara sauce or a basil pesto.
Personally, I used a vegetable green sauce that I whizzed up in my Vitamix ( or any strong blender) that had very few calories ( because I cut back on the oil) and lots of rich flavor.  I call it Presto ( not pesto) Vegetable Sauce

Spaghetti squash is a dieters best friend .

Need more spaghetti squash recipes ?
                                      7 Easy Spaghetti Squash Dinner recipes

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  1. What is your Presto Sauce recipe?

    1. Julie,
      The recipe for Presto ( not pesto) Vegetable Sauce is http://glutenfreewithjudee.blogspot.com/2010/09/joycis-salad-dressing.html

  2. I rarely buy gf pasta because we love spaghetti squash. I agree with you about this being the easiest way to cook one. You don't want to overcook spaghetti squash -- it sort of turns to mush instead of separating into strands. Don't ask :)

  3. I am glad you gave the spaghetti squash a try, again. I find it versatile and I enjoy it looking like spaghetti and yes, the missing calories are the best.

    Thanks for displaying the new badge.

  4. Sounds simple and since I DO need to lose some weight AND we do eat a lot of pasta, I'll have to give it a try.

    1. If you add sauce to it and anything else you normally eat over pasta, you will really enjoy it and won't miss the calories at all. There is no guilt eating spaghetti squash pasta at only 35 calories a cup and only 7 carbs.

  5. Will try this next time. We had spaghetti squash this past week, I did it in the microwave but it was a little soggy. Hubby is Celiac.

    1. The oven method seems to work. Don't forget to give it a few pierces ; I forgot once and it exploded in my oven. What a mess!

  6. Judee, I'm going to give your way a try this year. We eat spaghetti squash every year, and this year I have grown several plants and they are just beginning to bear squash. I have always boiled my squash until the flesh could be pierced easily with a knife. Cut down the center and removed seeds. Then, fork out the squash and serve as desired. I believe I am going to try to either freeze or dehydrate this year to see how I could store for winter meals.
    Please feel free to share in our recipe hop this week. It will be open until midnight ☺

    1. How great to grow your own spaghetti squash! I could eat it every week!

  7. I've never fixed it myself yet, but this year at Easter I had a special in a local restaurant that featured a side dish made with spaghetti squash and spinach. I really liked it and thought that I should try cooking some one of these days. Thanks for the tip!

  8. I have spaghetti squash growing in my garden so I will have to give your tip a try once it is ready!

  9. We just love Spaghetti Squash, this is a great tutorial for cooking it. Hope you have a great week end and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  10. This is great news. I too avoided making spaghetti squash because of the difficulty in cutting it raw.

    1. Sinea,
      I think that you will find this method really easy!

  11. The featured posts for the first Recipe Box are being selected by the number of clicks and you got one of the highest so you are in the first group of wonderful foodie topics, we are having.

  12. I love this idea and would love to try something different to regular spaghetti. Thanks for sharing this recipe at Seasonal Celebration Sunday!- Rebecca@Natural Mothers Network x

    1. It really is amazing how good it tastes and can be served to replace any spaghetti.

  13. I love spaghetti squash. I usually make it in the microwave, but know some people have had problems with cooking it that way. I look forward to trying it your way.

  14. Spagetti squash is kind of new to me being Socttish, I had never had it until I moved to Texas, this looks a grea way to cook it :)
    I am your newest follower since my friends daughter in law needs to eat a gluten free diet and is is a great go to site for all things gluten free


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