Monday, November 12, 2012

Wild Rice Stuffing - Gluten Free

There is something about homemade stuffing that everyone loves! Despite being a vegetarian and not having a turkey to stuff , I always make stuffing for Thanksgiving. This gluten free and vegan wild rice stuffing recipe is excellent and is sure to become one of our favorites.

I originally made this recipe when I was participating in the Secret Recipe Club . I was partnered with  Sid's Sea Palm Cooking blog and challenged to make one of Sid's recipes. 

I adapted the recipe a little to make it gluten free. First of all, I used gluten free rolls ( Udi's), I used a wild rice mix from Trader Joe's, I used olive oil instead of butter,  and I used fresh cranberries  instead of dried cranberries and added toasted pecans.

I wasn't disappointed. This recipe adapted beautifully, and we enjoyed it for Thanksgiving.! I also want to mention that we liked it even better the second day. The flavors seem to mingle overnight and we even liked it cold. 

Prep Time: 10 minutes + time for rice to cook
Cook Time: Bake for 30 minutes

1 cup of Trader Joe's Wild Rice Mix prepared according to directions
2 carrots, finely chopped
2 ribs of celery, finely chopped
1 shallot , minced ( I used 1/2 onion) 
2 Udi's gluten free whole grain hamburger rolls toasted lightly and then diced into cubes 
2 TBSP olive oil
8 ounces mushrooms, chopped 
1 cup vegetable stock ( bring to a boil) 
1/4 cup of fresh cranberries, cut in halves
1 cup of toasted pecans
optional: 1/2 teaspoon poultry seasoning
Salt and pepper to taste

Cook 1 cup of Trader Joe's  Basmati and Wild Rice Mix according to package directions and set aside. Saute mushrooms and shallot in olive oil ( or butter if you are not vegan) and then add the carrots, celery, and bread cubes. When all is coated and beginning to soften mix with rice mixture and pour into a greased baking  dish. Pour hot vegetable stock over the mixture, decorate the center with fresh cranberries and bake at 400 degrees for 1/2 hour.

Trader Joe's Basmati and Wild Rice Medley


saute vegetables and gluten free bread

 This is one of those recipes that tastes best after the flavors have extra time to mingle. Wait at least 2 hours before eating or even wait until the next day. Was good hot, at room temp, or cold!

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  1. Thanks for your kind comments about my recipe and also thank you for the tips on making it Gluten Free. I'd not thought of using fresh cranberries, but I think I'll give it a try this year.

  2. What fabulous pictures. They are making me hungry. This is a wonderful choice, Judee.

  3. This sounds like a great recipe. I'll have to look for that rice blend. Love the addition of those festive cranberries.

  4. Mmmmm, what's Thanksgiving without stuffing? I LOVE stuffing.

  5. Wishing you and your family a very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope to see you soon!
    Miz Helen

  6. Got this tweeted and pinned! YUMMY

  7. What a fabulous, flavorful, gorgeous dish!

  8. Sounds wonderful! I'm featuring you today... you're a STAR over at I Gotta Create! Thanks so much for linking up with the Wildly Original Crowd at the party.

    <3 Christina

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  10. Just in time for the holidays!
    I would love to have you share this on Thursday at Tasty Traditions:


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