Thursday, May 21, 2015

Spring Green Pea Soup ( make in 15 minutes)

 Pea soup in a cup

Got frozen or fresh green peas? This delicious fresh spring green pea soup is made from farm fresh or frozen green peas, organic romaine lettuce and organic parsley. It's a very simple combination of spring greens which produces a thick, but light, flavorful soup. Actually, I was surprised how good it tastes!

cup of vegan spring pea soup

If you are pressed for time but still want something healthy, then this soup is for you.  You can make it from start to finish in just 15 minutes. We all know that greens are really good for us, and this is a delightful way to eat your greens.

The romaine lettuce imparts a mild pleasant flavor into the soup and gives it a little fiber as well. The fresh (or frozen) green peas give the soup its bright green color, and the parsley just adds a little extra flavor. Together, when these greens are blended, they produce a rich tasting soup.

Now that it is growing season in most parts of the country, this is a great way to use up some of your abundant spring lettuce from your garden or from your CSA pick up!

Do you belong to a CSA? 

CSA stands for community supported agriculture. It is usually an organic farm that anyone in the community can join (in advance) and then be entitled to pick up organic vegetables one day a week during growing season.  I opted to take a half share which means my pickup will be every other Monday starting now and going through November. I believe there are CSA's in most communities across the US.

This week I'll be getting  broccoli raab, bok choy, romaine lettuce, butterhead lettuce, endive, escarole, dandelion greens, radishes and turnups plus a variety of herbs! I'm excited. ( Elise - if you are still reading my blog, I joined Anchor Run this year-)

Back to my soup- Vegan, gluten free, and delicious!

 Spring Green Pea Soup Recipe ( meets vegan and gluten free standards) 

Author: Judee Algazi- Gluten Free A-Z Blog
Prep Time : 5 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Blend Time: 5 minutes
Serves 4 cups of soup

4 cups of of Chopped Romaine Lettuce
1/2 chopped parsley
1 cup of frozen ( uncooked and thawed)  or fresh green peas
Olive or Coconut oil spray
4 and 1/2 cups of boiling vegetable broth or boiling filtered water ( I used water and it was great)
Himilayan Salt and cracked pepper to taste.

Saute the chopped lettuce in coconut oil spray in a large wide Dutch oven until slightly wilted . Add the chopped parsley and frozen peas and continue to saute for a few minutes making sure to coat all the vegetables- adding a few more sprays of oil if necessary. Add 4 and half cups of boiling water to the skillet. Cook an additional 5 minutes until vegetables are cooked but not overly cooked. Peas should stay green. Using an immersion blender , blend well but leaving the liquid just slightly chunky.. Add Himalayan salt and pepper to taste. Top with some chopped dandelion greens if desired. Serve immediately while hot OR eat a room temperature later.

lettuce on a chopping board

Spring Greens soup in a soup bowl

If you like this idea please share it with your Pinterest followers 68 

This post may be share some of the following Weekly

Will be also shared on  Souper Sundays at  Kahakai Kitchen


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  1. whoo this looks tasty Judee :) love the cup too!!

    Thanks for sharing at the weekend blog hop

    1. Thank you clairejustine,
      It is one of my favorite soups in one of my favorite mugs!

  2. Yumm that looks scrumptious and has a fresh but heartwarming kind of feel to it

    1. Tas,
      This soup is like a comfort soup. It is so delicious, warming, and tasty. Perfect for the chilly rainy spring nights

  3. Wanted to get here before Shavous. I wish you a peaceful and happy Shabbos and Yom Tov with good eating. I just made cabbage muffins.

  4. I've never made this but it looks delicious and so healthy! Will give it a try :) #weekendbloghop
    Our Seaside Baby

    1. It's an interesting simple soup that can enjoyed by all and it's fast too.

  5. Oh this is too easy and thanks for the pics. It looks delicious and you are right doesn't take long to make. Thanks for sharing with us at #AnythingGoes Link Up.

    1. I liked my pics too for this recipe! Must be all the colors

  6. What a beautiful looking soup and how easy it is. Thank you so much for sharing your post at #AnythingGoes.

    1. It is so easy to make and although it only has 3 ingredients, it is extremely flavorful

  7. I never would have thought of using romaine in soup. Frozen peas are up my alley. I keep them on hand all the time. Just about to print this.

  8. My husband is wanting us to start eating healthier, and I'm all about quick and easy recipes....this looks like it would be right up our alley! Thank you so much for sharing this with us at Merry Monday! We hope you'll join us again this week! :)

  9. Hi Judee, I love the idea of sauteeing lettuce for this delicious pea soup. I have never tried that before. I can't wait to make this.Thank you for sharing your healthy and delectable Spring Green Pea Soup with us at the Healthy Happy Green and Natural Party! I am pinning and sharing!

  10. I've planted peas and romaine in the garden and I have parsley as well. I'll have to try this when they are ready to harvest. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  11. Thanks so much for sharing your awesome post with Full Plate Thursday, I just pinned this recipe it looks so good! Hope you are having a great week and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  12. What a lovely, fresh soup for spring, Judee! I like that you can use frozen peas if fresh aren't available - that way it can be enjoyed all year long! Thank you for sharing with us at the Hearth and Soul hop. Pinned and will tweet :-)

  13. I love peas and everything about this soup! Thank you so much for sharing at Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop!


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.